OK Lic # 80006064

Emergency roof repair costs homeowners up to $1,000, with a new roof costing much more. Not fixing a roof leak or other roof damage can cost you in the long run. Acting on it quickly will save you money and headaches.

Several things require emergency roof repair, including a roof leak, animal damage, and missing shingles. A qualified roofing expert will help you identify the problem and get the repairs you need.

Check out these five signs you need emergency roof repairs.

1. Roof Leak

In 2020, severe storms left $1 billion worth of damage in the United States. Roof leaks, including bad storms and roof damage from water, snow, and ice buildup, can cause severe damage. A large branch or tree limb could fall on your home. When a roof leaks, it gets down into the attic and can damage the wood in your home. In addition, water damage can cause rot.

Sometimes, you may not even know a roof leaks until it’s too late.

2. Damage from Animals

Animals, such as squirrels, raccoons, birds, and other pests, can chew through just about anything, including electrical wiring and wood, and cause you to need roof repair. If you hear scratching in the attic of your home or any other noise, call pest control.

Once you get rid of the animals, you can get an estimate for the emergency roof repair cost.

3. Missing Shingles

High winds and destructive storms are the main culprits of missing shingles, which a contractor can repair in sections or one by one. Missing shingles can mean additional water damage and the ability for animals to get inside your home.

You also might need roof repair for loose shingles. A contractor should affix any shingle in danger of coming off your home.

4. Gutters

Blocked and cracked gutters can cause roof damage and roof repair, thanks to water backing up into your roof. Rust can also form over time or become damaged from hail and falling limbs.

For example, leaves, animals, twigs, and even moss can all get caught in your gutter systems. It’s best to keep your gutter system clean to work correctly.

5. Ceilings and Walls

Stains on your ceilings and walls are a sign of water damage and inevitable roof repair. Water leaking from the roof will penetrate the ceiling, then come down the interior walls. You will end up with damage to drywall, paint, plaster, ceiling tiles, and even wallpaper.

Do a self-survey of your home. Small leaks or drips can build up and cause significant damage in many cases.

Five Signs You Need Emergency Roof Repair

Emergency roof repair happens when you have a roof leak, animal damage, and missing shingles. You’ll also need roof repair to fix roof damage if you have problems, thanks to gutters and stained ceilings and walls.

Contact us at the first sign of one of these problems so we can’t get the problem under control. Your home is a significant investment, and we can get your roof fixed to avoid future problems at your home.